

We could not have found a more wonderful yoga teacher!


“How lucky my husband and I were to find Theresia and during the early days of the pandemic at that! As alumni of Rollins, we discovered that she was starting yoga classes outdoors under these huge oak trees by the lake.  She even brings to class her own equipment - balls, straps etc. Once the vaccine became available we could choose to practice virtually or come into a masked classroom. She is very knowledgeable about health issues and how yoga can alleviate symptoms. At the beginning of class she always asks if there are any requests. She focuses on correct foot placement, posture, and don’t lock your knees! She verbally and visually models the poses for the entire class. She is so full of energy and just a kind sweet soul.”



Theresia is compassionate, patient, curious, kind and disciplined.


“Theresia has absolutely found her calling as a dedicated instructor and lifelong student of yoga.  What a positive impact she has made on my life! As an alumna of Rollins College, I consider the online classes Theresia leads to be precious gifts from my alma mater. During the pandemic, when access to gyms and studios was limited, these virtual classes created an outlet for me to practice from the comfort and safety of my own home. They were a place of peace in a difficult time. Theresia was—and continues to be—a shining bright light, illuminating darker days. I love her entire essence. Compassionate, patient, curious, kind and disciplined, she embodies the admirable qualities of a true and sincere yogi. She is incredibly knowledgeable about so many facets of the body and soul and how to nurture and restore them. And the more she learns, the more she shares with us—her adoring pupils. Her thoughtful guidance has led to my continued growth and ability to practice self care—to stay healthy and sane.  She even successfully maneuvered through the growing pains of teaching hybrid classes (a challenge even for a guru!) so that her online following could stay connected.  I am most grateful to have access while on the go, too, especially now that my travel schedule has picked up again. Theresia is a rare treasure. She most definitely lives her life in service to others; she has blessed me abundantly with her time and talent. May I have many more opportunities to meet her on the mat.”



Theresia is such a wonderful teacher who deserves so much credit!


“I want to start off by saying thank you so very much to Theresia for significantly improving both my physical and my mental health. Coming to her yoga class twice a week has really been amazing for me. I so appreciated her help and consideration when it came to my physical ‘injuries’ — she always paid such close attention to my lower back problems, and that really meant a lot. I also enjoyed our morning conversations before and after class.”