

M.A. Yoga Studies


Yoga has been part of Theresia’s life for the last 20 years. Initially, her interest stemmed from a desire to cross-train for running and heal from past athletic injuries. She found that although there were clear physical benefits to the practice of yoga, it was the mental and emotional impacts that genuinely changed her life. Anxiety and depression had always been constant challenges for Theresia, and with practice, she found new levels of peace of mind and clarity of thought. This inspired her to want to share the discipline with others, and so began her journey in yogic studies.

Over the years, Theresia has had the good fortune to study with inspiring teachers like David Swenson, David Williams, and Betty Larson in a variety of disciplines, including Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Children’s yoga, Kundalini yoga, Therapeutic yoga, and Thyroid yoga. Following her yoga certification in 2007, she began teaching group classes and offering individual instruction throughout Orlando and Central Florida, including at Rollins College, Aiguille Rock Climbing Center, YMCA of Orlando, and English Estates Elementary. AlmaMater.YOGA was founded in 2010, and in May 2022, Theresia graduated with Honors from Loyola Marymount University with an M.A. in Yoga Studies. 


WHY “Alma Mater”

Alma Mater is the Latin for other mother. The endearment is often used when referring to one’s college or university. AlmaMater.YOGA offers information, resources, and practices based on peer reviewed studies, original sources, and scientifically backed classes. All of this is offered with the belief that as Confucius wrote, "Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace."

In the spirit of Saraswati, AlmaMater.YOGA works to uplift the philosophy and practice of Yoga helping others.